Print durability: Printing to outlive your product’s lifespan

Ink and Ink treatments: Decorate to outlive your product lifespan

Print durability is often a primary concern when decorating a product for consumer or industrial use. It’s often critical that brand awareness is sustained and vibrant for the life of the product. Safety and convenience are also critical. Users must often be able to easily read printed instructions, symbols and other important information long into the future. Print durability, however, can be impacted positively or negatively in many ways during the manufacturing and print process. I will talk about ways you can ensure your product decorating techniques are designed to outlive your product life here.

For discussion purposes, let’s assume the product will be decorated by direct printing and then let’s consider your product material. The type of material your product is comprised of is an important part of the durability assessment for application of text and graphics. Most metals and their coatings are fairly well-known and have been consistent over the years so matching inks and processes for decorating with metals is relatively simple. Plastics, on the other hand, are a completely different story since there is a large variety of plastics available with more being added all the time. So, let’s explore today’s solutions for plastics.

Exploring durability and plastics

Many plastics are designed to resist anything adhering to them with the unintended consequence that many inks resist adhesion as well. In addition, many parts contain surface contaminants from their production process including additives to facilitate mold release and, in some cases, out-gassing from chemical components used to make the specific type of plastic. Some, but not all, of these adhesion issues can be dealt with by using specifically designed inks and in some cases, by pretreating the parts with heat, chemicals, or other methods.
In addition to considerations around the type of material being printed on, how the product will be used is also an important factor for durability. Some products may only be used once so durability is not as critical while others may be expected to endure heavy use over many years and, in many situations, periodic cleaning with harsh chemicals or at high temperatures. Other factors such as exposure to UV radiation in outdoor applications or repeated sterilizations for medical applications may be involved.

Things to avoid

If possible don’t hold back or wait until your product production phase to test your product’s decorating methods and durability. Test decorating as early as possible in your design and development.

Important considerations for plastics

Many product decorating durability issues can be addressed by properly matching the ink and processes to the material, but with plastic, there are oftentimes unknown factors at play and the repellent nature of some plastics will not be completely known right away.

For these reasons, I highly advise you to assess and test your print and ink treatments on sample parts, and that you test durability on your samples as early during your product development process as possible. Testing print treatments and durability under actual or simulated conditions earlier in your product development process allows you to observe print durability over time and provides you with the opportunity to address, or prevent, unanticipated decoration issues before production. 

The ideal product decorator will have a variety of processes and inks to address all known and unknown adhesion and durability issues. Since plastics continue to evolve, however, there is no substitute for experience. And when durability of your product’s decoration is important test early and choose a decorator who has at least ten years of experience with printing on products like yours. As Albert Einstein said, “The only source of knowledge is experience”!

Eric Anderson, Print Technician & Manager


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Eric Anderson

We’ve been helping manufacturers bring their products to life for over 50 years.

As a specialist, ongoing learner, and operations general manager, I get excited about testing and sharing unique product decorating solutions.  Reach out if you have questions or are looking for a project solution.

Wishing you success,


Product Decorating Specialist | General Manager

TechniPrint Inc.